Welcome to Weymouth, Pack 2 Website!!

Be sure to scroll all the way down so you do not miss any information!! Watch for weekly updates and information. Suggestions, den events, and pictures are always welcome! Email comments, information and Pack2 event pictures to pack2weymouth@yahoo.com. Have a fun and rewarding year with Pack 2 Weymouth! Leaders - click on "Training for Adult Leaders" link above to learn about required and optional training opportunities!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Upcoming Pack Events

Our Pack Schedule in the coming weeks will include:

Wed, 3/24 - Pack Mtg at First Church in Weymouth

Wed, 4/28 - Final Pack Mtg for the season & beginning for the Summer schedule

Sat, 5/29 - "Flagging" on the Saturday before Memorial Day (details tba)
Mon, 5/31 - Memorial Day Parade (details tba)

** We will also arrange for a Car Wash event sometime in May or June (Saturday morning).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Bring Items for the "Birthday Boxes

Becky Egan started the scouts putting together Birthday Boxes. At next month's Pack Mtg on 3/24/10, each scout should bring items (inexpensive) to place in the box (ie: cake mix, candles, frosting, streamers, etc... - - long list) or gift ideas for children like yo-yos, action figures, storybooks, coloring books, etc...

Boxes will go to DOVE, Weymouth Shelter, Children's relief organization and an organization that supports Military families - she has 5 boxes in total to fill, so PLEASE be generous!

Cake Mix
Juice boxes or soda
Birthday cards
Table Cloth
Plastic forks and spoons
Plastic cups
Birthday hats
Party favors
Small age-appropriate gifts

Gifts for the birthday box:
Coloring books/crayons
Paper to draw on
Playing Cards (Old Maid, UNO, etc.)
Small stuffed animals
Small dolls (for girls) or action figures (boys)

Bring Cans!!

As a reminder, please bring bags of cans to your den meetings. This is what sustains our Pack and Troop. Each bag should have a label listing the # of cans and your scout's name. NO GLASS please. Thank you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thank you Venetian Restaurant!!

Thank you to John Pica and the Venetian Restaurant for their generous donation of 60 quarts of spaghetti sauce to our boys and the Blue & Gold Banquet! Please be sure to visit their restaurant located in Lower Jackson Square!!

Cub Scout Calendar

Our calendar is now embedded with our brother Troop 2 on Google Calendars (see side panel). Please email events to post on this calendar to: Pack2Weymouth@yahoo.com